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A member registered Aug 10, 2018

Recent community posts

I haven't finished reading the public build yet (so far, probably a rising star in FVN's), but I feel compelled to tell you that Wizards of the Coast is writing up a new Open Game License that MAY impact your revenue. 

VN recommended through Discord. This story has a REALLY solid base to build off of, considering Norse mythology is just THAT extensive in scope. I'll be adding this to the list of VN's I anxiously salivate for when awaiting updates. A+

In case you haven't figured it out since writing, try Right-Click somewhere on screen, outside of any other menus.

Question about CG's. Are they limited to the Patreon version of the game? I'm fairly convinced that they are, or haven't been implemented into the free version. 

Heya, Stormsinger!

I'm sure it goes without saying, but make sure you're taking care of yourselves! Without you, we won't get the incredible stories that you've been providing. This goes double for Frost (who apparently is handling the entirety of the next update on his own). DON'T BREAK YOURSELF trying to push this out. This entire project is being provided to us at no expense to us other than patience. 

Stay safe and we'll be here when it's done,
Kilik Odagawa

Update day be like: Stress 99%

(1 edit)

This may be an unpopular opinion, but I REFUSE to even delve down Chester and Dozer's paths.... That ship WILL stay intact for me. Darius and Spencer have the most compelling of the remaining 3 routes. GGgggggg NEED MORE!

Also... I have no idea who Richard is :>

EDIT: I'm a hecking idiot. Sorry Rich. You're on a boat with Maria.

You're correct, though. Who wouldn't after this?

Aaaagh... WOTB... My heart is bleeding. Need more Shoichi! That'll probably be 3 months from now, I'm guessing. If we're cycling through character arcs.

WOTB, my dear. You shouldn't worry about doing something special for us because of a one or two day delay. These things occur more often than you think. We were all chomping at the bit for it, and the anticipation for the next part of the story makes it all THAT much more exquisite :>

I'm camping this page until update :>

So would it be reasonable to anticipate (Not expect) an update every 3-5 months?

Good (insert appropriate time of day) to you, Stah. I'm curious how far apart you intend on spacing future updates. I wholly understand and respect that development of this game isn't what consumes your every day. That means the content is better overall. But I'm scared as all hell that the story may end up like Hugo wants his dancers to be. Unobtainable.

(I should be able to support you on Patreon, soon, given a few more weeks.)

Hey WOTB! I'm sure this will come across as flattering, but I did make an account JUST to tell you how much potential this has over other visual novels. You already have time-sensitive decisions built in. (The rooftop for example) That's something I have NEVER seen in this kind of game. It makes the whole situation feel a lot more real. 

Shoichi is bae. Jun is precious cinnamon roll. And Kei is... Edgelord? I dunno. Keep up the amazing work!